Effective adsense layout or positioning for maximum clicks
Placing the Ads in the places with greater visibility and maximum probability of clicking, yields best results. See the images below with colored blocks which kind of tell us that those are the areas with maximum visibility and higher chances of getting clicked. Placing your AdSense in the areas as per the images below may increase the chances of your visitors clicking on the Ads but remember there are other things also which must be kept in mind to increase the click ratio, such as color blending of Ads, keywords in content, number of impressions, visits etc,. And since every website is different, you may experiment and determine the best Ad position yourself.
Layout #1. Ad positioning for a web site with header[top], footer[bottom], navigation bar[left], content in the middle. Good for either static or dynamic content on the page.

Layout #2. Ad positioning for website with lengthy article/content on the page. People when scroll down after reading the article will see an Ad and chances of clicking it to navigate out of the page is quite high.

Layout #3. Another way of placing Ad in the site with the skyscrapper placed on left. It more or less looks will like a navigation bar with links, right blending of colors increases click rate.

Layout #4. Placing the Ad Link unit on left hand side inside the navigation bar makes it look like a part of navigation and provides different topics on which people can click on. On the right and in the content, placing a square 125×125 or 200×200 ad format layout is always good. It increases the chances of someone clicking on it if it also serves image Ads.

Layout #5. Same as above but placing the square Ad in the navigation bar on the right hand side.

Layout #6. Same as #4 but with the square Ad unit in the content is placed on left. If you blend it well with the site color, you will see an immediate increase in the click rate.

Layout #7. One of the unusual site designs. I have seen it on a couple of websites which are highly successful with Ads. Of course, you can replace the skyscrapper on right with small units of AdSense or Ad units of any other Ad programs.

Layout #8. For a site with no footer, place a wide Ad unit as a footer. An Ad Links unit can be placed in the right or left navigation bar.

Please do focus on your content too! Your AdSense optimization will be more successful with more number of people visiting your site.
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